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Silky-Smooth Isolations

Isolations are a key element in dance, helping to improve body control and expression. Here you'll learn separating different parts of the body and moving them independently, creating precision and fluidity in your movements. Each video will guide you through exercises that develop flexibility, strength, and coordination, allowing you to improve isolations.

Snakey / Käärmemäiset liikkeet

Snakey / Käärmemäiset liikkeet
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Horizontal Figure Eights / Vaakakahdeksikot

Horizontal Figure Eights / Vaakakahdeksikot

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COMBO Floreo, Lotus & Snakearms / Floreo, lootus ja käärmekädet

COMBO Floreo, Lotus & Snakearms / Floreo, lootus ja käärmekädet

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Arm wave / Käsiaalto

Arm wave / Käsiaalto

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