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Fusion Bellydance Fanny Delesham fuusio vatsatanssi itämainen tanssi

Private classes

Fanny Delesham Tribal Fusion Bellydance

Private dance classes

Instruction and learning in Fusion Bellydance are also available through personalized lessons, either in addition to or instead of regular weekly classes. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refine your technique, stage presence, or create your oåwn choreography, these private sessions are designed to meet your individual needs.

In private lessons, you can explore Fusion Bellydance and its fundamentals, refine your technique, learn choreography, develop your dance persona, and address aspects related to performance or choreography creation. The use of props in Fusion Bellydance, such as playing zills or practicing with items like trays or swords for balance, can also be incorporated into the sessions.

You can include the desired amount of relaxation exercises, stretching, or strength training alongside the technique and choreography in private lessons.

Private sessions are confidential, and videos or photos will not be published unless you explicitly request otherwise.

Dance classes for groups, e.g. bachelor parties


Indulge in the allure of bellydance, where you'll master the art of shimmies, accentuated movements, and graceful snake-like flows. As you embrace your inner divinity, create unforgettable memories with your friends by learning captivating poses, making your bachelorette party truly remarkable.


This dance class is designed to cater to your wishes and add an extra touch of excitement to your celebration. Make your bachelorette party an absolute sensation.

Check out fusion bellydance performances

Business dance class

A Fusion Bellydance class is a great way to boost workers' well-being and health.


Transform your team dynamics with our Business Dance Classes! Discover the joy of movement, enhance communication, and foster a positive workplace environment. Our classes are designed to boost morale and promote teamwork, creating a unique and energizing experience for your team. Join us and let the power of dance elevate your organization. Unleash your team's potential and create lasting connections through the universal language of movement. Elevate your workplace experience with Business Dance Classes!


A private class, 1 person : starting from 137 € / 1 hour

A class for a group, 3 - 8 people : starting from 220 € / 1 hour

Additional persons subject to additional charge.

A class for a business, 3 - 8 people / 1 hour : starting from € 350

Additional persons subject to additional charge.

The total price is determined based on the number of participants, content, and duration.

Dance classes for private classes and groups include 10% VAT and a studio rent in order that the class is organised it Helsinki Oriental Dance Studio, Kalasatama. 

Contact for a personalized dance experience

Whether you're seeking private classes, planning a memorable party, or looking to boost teamwork through business dance classes, Fanny Delesham is here to bring the joy of dance to your event.

Include the message your requirements, preferences, and any specific details you have in mind. Fanny is dedicated to creating personalized dance experiences that cater to your needs.

Send a message to


Helsinki Metropolitan Area,

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